How to Become an Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant

Stepping into the shoes of an air hostess, cabin crew, or flight attendant is like stepping into a world of endless adventure and exciting encounters. Imagine a career that’s not just a job, but a ticket to explore the globe and make connections with people from every corner of the earth. An air hostess, also known as a flight attendant or cabin crew, plays a crucial role in air travel. These professionals ensure passenger safety and comfort. Often, people wonder how to become an air hostess or join the cabin crew. The journey involves specific training and skills.

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What Does an Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant Do?

Air hostesses, cabin crew, or flight attendants play a crucial part in guaranteeing the security, comfort, and well-being of passengers when they are flying. These professionals are responsible for various tasks, making each flight a pleasant and secure experience. Here is a breakdown of their responsibilities:

Greeting Passengers

When passengers board, they are greeted with warmth and assisted in finding seats and putting their carry-on bags in overhead bins.

Safety Briefing

They do a safety demonstration prior to flight, going over how to use oxygen masks, seat belts, life jackets, and emergency exits.

Cabin Preparation

Ensuring the aircraft cabin is neat, clean, and well-stocked with amenities like blankets, pillows, and reading materials.

Meal and Beverage Service

Serving meals, snacks, and beverages to passengers, accommodating special dietary requests, and offering a variety of options.

Responding to Passenger Requests 

Attending to passenger needs, such as providing extra blankets, and pillows, or assisting with medical emergencies.

Safety During Flight

Continuously monitoring the cabin for any safety concerns, turbulence, or irregularities. They are trained to handle various emergencies like fires, unruly passengers, and medical situations.

Cabin Comfort

Keeping the lighting and temperature in the cabin constant to make sure the passengers are comfortable the entire voyage.

Language Assistance

Assisting passengers with language barriers, ensuring clear communication and understanding.


Conducting security checks, including ensuring all passengers are seated during takeoff and landing.


Helping passengers disembark safely after landing, bidding them farewell with a smile.

How to Become an Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant

In summary, air hostesses, cabin crew, and flight attendants are the friendly faces that ensure passengers have a comfortable and secure journey. They handle various responsibilities, from ensuring safety during emergencies to providing top-notch customer service. Wondering how to become an air hostess, cabin crew or flight attendant? Becoming one involves a blend of education, training, and personal qualities.

Types of Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant

Air hostesses, cabin crew, and flight attendants are essential employees of the airline sector in charge of guaranteeing travellers’ comfort and safety during their travels. These roles come with various job titles and responsibilities, catering to different aspects of the in-flight experience. Let’s explore the different types of positions within this profession:

Cabin Crew

The term “cabin crew” is a generic reference that encompasses all flight attendants, regardless of their specific duties. Cabin crew members work together as a team to ensure passengers’ well-being, handle emergencies, and maintain the cabin’s cleanliness and orderliness.

Senior Cabin Crew

Senior cabin crew members, also known as lead flight attendants or pursers, take on a leadership role within the cabin crew. They coordinate and supervise the crew’s activities, assist in managing conflicts, and ensure smooth flight operations.

In-Flight Supervisor

In-flight supervisors are responsible for overseeing the entire cabin crew team. They ensure that all safety protocols and customer service standards are met, handle escalated passenger issues, and liaise with the cockpit crew for a successful flight.


Pursers focus primarily on the service aspect of the flight. They manage the in-flight service, including meal distribution, beverage service, and passenger requests. In order to give passengers a relaxing and enjoyable experience, pursers are essential.

Language-Specific Crew

Some airlines hire flight attendants who are fluent in specific languages to cater to a diverse clientele. These crew members assist passengers who speak the designated language and bridge communication gaps during the flight.

Corporate Flight Attendants

Corporate flight attendants work on private jets, serving high-profile clients or executives. Their responsibilities often include personalised service, ensuring passenger safety, and maintaining the aircraft’s luxurious amenities.

Special Services Crew

Airlines may have specialised crew members dedicated to passengers with specific needs, such as medical conditions, disabilities, or unaccompanied minors. These professionals ensure that all passengers receive the necessary care and assistance.

Cruise Flight Attendants

On long-haul flights with multiple segments, cruise flight attendants focus on providing services during the cruise phase of the journey. They handle meal service, cabin comfort, and passenger needs during this critical part of the flight.


In conclusion, the aviation industry offers a variety of roles for those aspiring to know how to become an air hostess, cabin crew, or flight attendant. Each position comes with unique responsibilities, from ensuring passenger safety to delivering top-notch customer service. Aspiring individuals should consider their interests and strengths when pursuing a career in this profession, as it offers diverse opportunities to excel in different roles.

How to Become an Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant

How to Become an Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant 

Becoming an air hostess or cabin crew member, often referred to as a flight attendant, is an exciting and fulfilling career choice. These professionals play a vital role in ensuring the safety and comfort of airline passengers. If you aspire to join this dynamic field, here are the steps on how to become an air hostess, cabin crew or flight attendant to help you achieve your goal:

Educational Requirements

  • Typically, a high school diploma or equivalent is the minimum educational requirement.

  • However, some airlines may prefer candidates with higher education, such as an associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

Age and Eligibility

  • Airlines usually have age requirements, often between 18 and 21 years old.

  • Ensure you meet the height and weight requirements set by the airline.

Physical Fitness

  • Maintain good health and physical fitness as this job can be demanding.

  • Take a medical exam to make sure you are healthy enough for the position.

Language Skills

  • Being fluent in English is crucial as it’s the primary language of international aviation.

  • Proficiency in additional languages can be a plus, especially for international airlines.

Customer Service Skills

  • Develop excellent communication and customer service skills.

  • Prior experience in hospitality or customer-facing roles can be an advantage.

Training and Certification

Prepare Your Resume

  • Create a professional resume highlighting your relevant skills and experiences.

  • Emphasise any customer service or hospitality-related positions.

Apply to Airlines

  • Research airlines that are hiring cabin crew members.

  • Submit your resume and application through the airline’s official website or career portal.

Interview and Assessment Day

  • If shortlisted, you’ll be invited for an interview and assessment day.

  • Be prepared to showcase your communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

Passport and Visa

  • Ensure you have a valid passport and are eligible to obtain necessary visas for international travel.

Background Check

  • Airlines conduct thorough background checks, so they maintain a clean record.

Training with the Airline

  • Once hired, you will undergo additional training specific to the airline.

  • This includes learning about the airline’s policies, aircraft, and routes.

Probation Period

  • Most airlines have a probationary period during which your performance will be closely monitored.

Onboard Experience

  • Start your career as a junior cabin crew member and gradually gain experience.

  • Learn how to handle different situations onboard and provide exceptional service.

Continuous Learning

  • Stay updated with safety procedures and industry trends through recurrent training.


If you’re interested in this career, you’ll need to know how to become an air hostess.  Becoming an air hostess or cabin crew member requires dedication, excellent communication skills, and a commitment to safety and customer service. By following these steps and meeting the requirements, you can embark on a rewarding career in the aviation industry. Remember that each airline may have specific criteria and procedures, so research and preparation are key to success. Good luck in your journey to become a flight attendant!

How to Become an Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant

What Qualifications Do You Need to Become an Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant?

There are several requirements and stages involved in becoming a flight attendant, cabin crew member, or air hostess in the UK. This field offers a unique blend of adventure, customer service, and cultural experiences. It’s important to understand the academic qualifications required to ensure your dream takes flight. These points provide a clear path on how to become an air hostess.

Minimum Educational Requirement

The first step involves completing your secondary education. Most airlines in the UK require candidates to have at least five GCSEs at grade C or higher. This typically includes English and Maths. It’s a basic foundation that assures airlines of your proficiency in fundamental skills.

Higher Education

While not always mandatory, having A-levels or a degree can be advantageous. It demonstrates a higher level of education and can be particularly beneficial for progression into senior cabin crew positions. Travel, tourism, or hospitality courses provide relevant knowledge, although any discipline can be applicable.

Language Proficiency

Proficiency in English is crucial. If English isn’t your first language, you may need to demonstrate your fluency via exams like the TOEFL or IELTS. Additionally, knowledge of other languages is a bonus, enhancing communication with a diverse range of passengers.

Cabin Crew Training

Specific cabin crew qualifications, such as the Cabin Crew Attestation (CCA), are often required. This training covers a range of skills from safety procedures to customer service. Some airlines provide their training programs once you are hired.

First Aid and Safety Knowledge

Basic first aid knowledge is essential. Certifications in first aid can set you apart from other candidates. It highlights your ability to handle emergencies and care for passengers.

Swimming Ability

Being able to swim is typically a requirement. Airlines usually expect you to swim a certain distance unaided. This skill is crucial for emergencies over water.

Physical and Medical Standards

It’s critical to fulfil the medical and physical requirements put forth by airlines. This includes a certain height requirement to reach overhead bins and a medical examination to ensure fitness for the job’s demands.

Soft Skills

Beyond academic qualifications, soft skills like excellent communication, teamwork, and a friendly demeanour are vital. These skills ensure a pleasant experience for passengers and efficient collaboration with colleagues.


In conclusion, a combination of fundamental academic credentials, specialised training, and personal qualities are needed to pursue a career as an air hostess, cabin crew member, or flight attendant in the UK. While the path might seem challenging, it leads to a rewarding career that opens up a world of opportunities. With the correct credentials and commitment, you can succeed in this fast-paced field.  Know more about how to become an air hostess. Keep in mind that every step you take will get you closer to the stars!

Benefits of a Career as an Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant

Exploring a Career in the Skies: A career as an air hostess, cabin crew member, or flight attendant offers a unique blend of excitement and professionalism. This path is not just a job, but a lifestyle that opens doors to fascinating experiences and growth opportunities. Let’s dive into the benefits of this high-flying profession.


  • Travel the World: Perhaps the most alluring aspect, this role allows you to explore different destinations. Imagine waking up in Paris and having dinner in Tokyo – such is the life of an air hostess or flight attendant!


  • Cultural Exposure: You’ll interact with people from diverse backgrounds. This exposure broadens your perspective, enriching your personal and professional life.


  • Attractive Compensation: Besides a competitive salary, you often receive perks like travel discounts for family and friends, making it financially rewarding.


  • Flexible Schedule: Contrary to a 9-to-5 job, irregular hours can be a boon. It allows for significant time off, perfect for pursuing hobbies or further studies.


  • Professional Development: The role hones skills like communication, customer service, and crisis management, invaluable in any career.


  • Physical Fitness: With a lifestyle on the go, staying physically fit becomes a natural part of the job.


How to become an air hostess? Becoming a flight attendant, cabin crew member, or air hostess opens up a world of experiences and prospects beyond a simple profession. While it comes with specific requirements and challenges, the rewards are plentiful and unique. This can be your ideal career option if your goal is to fly high while providing great customer service. Remember, the sky’s not the limit; it’s your home!

Salary of an Air Hostess, Cabin Crew or Flight Attendant in the UK

In the UK, working as a flight attendant, cabin crew member, or air hostess presents exciting opportunities as well as particular obstacles. Understanding the salary and associated benefits is essential for those drawn to this path. 

Starting Salary Range: In the UK, the initial salary for air hostesses, cabin crew, or flight attendants usually falls between £12,000 and £14,000 per year. This is the starting point for newcomers in the field.

Experience-Based Increase: With experience, the salary can rise. After a few years, you might earn between £15,000 and £21,000. This progression reflects growing expertise and responsibilities.

Top Earners: Senior flight attendants or those working for prestigious airlines can earn upwards of £30,000 annually. This top-tier salary is a testament to their advanced skills and experience.

Additional Perks: Besides the basic salary, benefits like travel discounts, health insurance, and retirement plans add value to your total compensation package.

Role of Training: To start your career, comprehensive training is necessary. Completing this training is a stepping stone to securing a good salary.

Impact of Airline Choice: The airline you choose to work with greatly affects your salary. Larger, international airlines often offer higher pay compared to smaller, domestic ones.

Negotiation Skills: As you gain experience, negotiating your salary becomes crucial. Effective negotiation can lead to better compensation.

Cost of Living Consideration: Remember, the cost of living varies across the UK. Salaries in London, for example, might be higher due to the higher living costs.

To sum up, the pay scale for flight attendants, cabin crew, and air hostesses in the UK varies depending on experience, airline, and region. Aspiring candidates should focus on gaining the right training and experience to excel in this field. Gather knowledge on how to become an air hostess. Remember, this career is not just about earnings; it’s about embracing a lifestyle that lets you explore the world.


The training for air hostesses, cabin crew, or flight attendants typically lasts between 6 weeks to several months, depending on the airline’s policies and the specific requirements of the role.

The working hours for these roles can vary greatly. They often include irregular hours, weekends, and holidays. A typical workweek for a flight attendant consists of 75–100 hours in the air and an extra 50 hours on the ground doing flight preparation, report writing, and waiting for aircraft to arrive.

Positions as air hostesses, cabin crew, or flight attendants can be either permanent or on a contract basis. This depends on the airline and the country’s labour laws. Some airlines offer permanent positions, while others might hire on a contractual basis, especially for seasonal or peak travel times.

January 8, 2024

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