How To Become an Investment Banker: Get Into Investment Banking

Investment banking might sound complex, but let’s break it down simply. At its core, an investment banker is someone who helps companies and organisations raise money. They can do this in various ways, like selling stocks or bonds. Now, you might wonder, how to become an investment banker. Well, it starts with education. Typically, people study finance or related fields in college. Next, they often gain experience in financial roles or internships. To dive deeper into how to get into investment banking, one must also consider networking. Building connections with professionals in the industry can be crucial. Moreover, one should be prepared to work long hours and show dedication. 

In conclusion, investment banking is about aiding businesses financially, and the path to becoming one involves education, experience, and networking. It’s not easy but is rewarding for those who are passionate.

Table of Contents

What does an investment banker do?

Investment bankers are financial professionals who play a crucial role in helping companies and individuals manage their money wisely. They offer advice on how to make smart investments and grow wealth. Here’s what an investment banker does:

Raising Capital

Investment bankers help businesses secure funds by issuing stocks or bonds to investors. They work as intermediaries, connecting companies needing capital with potential investors.


Mergers and Acquisitions

Investment bankers assist in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by identifying suitable merger partners or acquisition targets. They also help negotiate deals and ensure they are financially sound.

Financial Advisory

They provide valuable financial advice to their clients. This includes helping clients understand their financial goals and developing strategies.

Risk Management

Investment bankers analyse and manage financial risks. They assess the potential risks of different investments and recommend ways to minimise these risks.

Market Research

Investment bankers research financial markets and industries to stay informed about current trends and economic conditions. This knowledge helps them make informed investment decisions.

Client Relationships

It’s crucial to establish and preserve solid client relationships. Investment bankers collaborate closely with customers to comprehend their financial requirements and offer tailored solutions.

Creating Investment Plans

They develop investment plans tailored to the goals and risk tolerance of their clients. These plans outline how clients should allocate their funds for optimal growth.

Legal Compliance

Investment bankers ensure that all financial transactions and investments comply with legal regulations and industry standards. This helps protect clients from potential legal issues.


To become an investment banker and get into investment banking, individuals typically need a strong educational background in finance or a related field, such as a bachelor’s or master’s degree. They also often start their careers as analysts or associates at financial firms, where they gain practical experience and build a network in the industry. Developing strong analytical and communication skills, as well as attention to detail, is crucial for success in this profession.

Types of Investment Banking

Investment banking is a vast field with various sectors, each catering to different needs. The types range from handling individual finances to managing massive global projects. Let’s explore these diverse areas to better understand the opportunities in investment banking.

Retail Investment Banking

  • Focuses on each client individually and their financial requirements.

  • Provides services like loans, mortgages, and investment opportunities.

  • Perfect starting point for those wondering “how to become an investment banker” catering to personal finance.

Commercial Investment Banking

  • Works with businesses and corporations, helping them to grow and expand.

  • Offers services such as underwriting, loan facilities, and financial advice.

  • A significant sector for those exploring “how to get into investment banking” with a focus on business solutions.

Private Banking

  • Caters to the ultra-wealthy, managing large sums of money.

  • Offers services that are customised to fit each client’s specific demands.

  • A prestigious segment of investment banking, dealing with elite clients.

Boutique Investment Bank

  • Specialises in specific industries or markets, offering expert advice.

  • Provides tailored services to meet the unique needs of their clients.

  • An interesting area for those wanting to specialise in a particular industry within investment banking.

Bulge Bracket Banks

  • The largest type of investment bank that handles massive, global projects.

  • Provides a large number of services, including underwriting, mergers and acquisitions, and more.

  • Often the ultimate goal for those asking “how to get into investment banking” at a global scale.


In conclusion, investment banking is an intricate industry with numerous sectors. Each type plays a vital role in the financial ecosystem, providing specialised services to meet the varied demands of their clients. Whether dealing with individuals, businesses, or global projects, investment banking is integral to the financial world.

Equipping oneself with these skills is a significant step towards a successful career in investment banking. Along with a strong educational background and relevant experience, these skills will lay a solid foundation for anyone aiming to make a mark in this competitive field.

How To Become an Investment Banker: Get Into Investment Banking

Getting into investment banking in the UK is a competitive process, but with the right steps, you can make your dream a reality. Follow these ten steps, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming an investment banker.

Start with a strong educational background

To break into investment banking in the UK, it’s essential to have a solid foundation in finance or a related field. Consider studying at a top university and aim for excellent grades, as this will greatly increase your chances of getting noticed by top investment banks.

Gain relevant work experience

Next, try to gain work experience in investment banking or a similar field. Internships and work placements can provide you with a glimpse of the industry, as well as help you develop the necessary skills and knowledge.

Develop strong analytical skills

Investment banking demands strong analytical and quantitative skills. It’s beneficial to take courses in mathematics, statistics, or financial modelling to prepare yourself for the tasks you’ll be faced with in your career.

Stay updated with industry trends

Moreover, staying informed about the latest trends and developments in investment banking is crucial. Read industry publications, follow relevant news, and attend conferences and seminars to enhance your understanding of the field.

Sharpen your communication skills

In addition, communication is key in investment banking. Work on your ability to convey complex ideas clearly and concisely, as this will be essential when dealing with clients and colleagues alike.

Network with professionals

Furthermore, networking plays a crucial role in how to become an investment banker. Reach out to professionals in the industry, attend industry events, and utilise platforms like LinkedIn to connect with investment bankers and other relevant individuals.

Prepare for interviews meticulously

When the time comes for interviews, make sure you are well-prepared. Research the firm thoroughly and practice answering common interview questions to ensure you present yourself in the best possible light.

Obtain relevant certifications

Moreover, obtaining relevant certifications, such as the Investment Banking Operations Professional, can make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

Keep learning and growing

Once you land a job in investment banking, the learning doesn’t stop there. To keep up with the always changing industry, maintain your curiosity and look for new learning possibilities. Join courses like Central Banking Monetary Policy.

Stay motivated and work hard

Lastly, remember that investment banking is a demanding career that requires long hours and the ability to handle high-stress situations. Stay motivated, maintain a strong work ethic, and you’ll be on your way to a successful career in investment banking in the UK.


To sum up, if you have a strong desire to work in investment banking, these measures will help you differentiate yourself from competitors and help you become an investment banker. With dedication, hard work, and some networking, you’ll be well on your way to landing a job in this rewarding field.

Investment banker salary expectations


When people ask how to become an investment banker, they’re often curious about the salary expectations in this profession. Starting off, investment bankers can earn between $100,000 to $150,000 per year, including bonuses. As you climb the ladder, salaries can jump to $200,000 or more. Now, how to get into investment banking, one might ask? It requires a combination of education, networking, and often starting in an entry-level position known as an analyst. Investment banking is a field that rewards hard work and dedication, with senior investment bankers earning well into the millions. The journey might be long and demanding, but for those who are committed, the financial rewards can be significant.


FAQ About How to Become an Investment Banker

An undergraduate degree often takes four years to finish, and many people working in investment banking also pursue an MBA, which can take two more years. Beyond education, it can take several years of work experience to progress into a senior investment banking role.

Yes, becoming an investment banker can be challenging due to the competitive nature of the industry, rigorous educational requirements, and long working hours.

Yes, investment bankers are typically well-compensated, with average salaries ranging from $100,000 to $150,000 for entry-level positions and significantly higher salaries for senior roles. Bonuses and other incentives can also contribute to high levels of compensation in the industry.

November 1, 2023

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